Forecast / Værutsikt (~70% reliable): Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Weatherdata from 14.01.2025 at 20:04 Uhr
Temperatur / TemperatureFuktighet / Humidity
Current5.8 °CCurrent89 %
Max. (15:15)8.9 °CMax. (11:08)94.0 °C
Min. (19:41)5.4 °CMin. (15:40)84.0 °C
Duggpunkt / DewpointVindchil / Windchill
Current4.1 °CCurrent4 °C
Max. (11:43)7.0 °CMax. (15:15)8.9 %
Min. (19:41)3.7 °CMin. (00:31)2.5 %
Vindhastighet / WindspeedRegn / Perception
Average (0°= Nord)1.3m/s from 283°Current Hour0.0 mm
Max. (12:13)4.0 m/sCurrent day0.2 mm
Max. Gust (11:30)10.3 m/sCurrent month60.0 mm
Barometer / Pressure (Sealevel)Barometer / Pressure (Fosseviga)
Current1023.1 hPaCurrent1020.0 hPa
Max. (20:03)1023.1 hPaMax. (20:03)1020.0 hPa
Min. (12:55)1016.5 hPaMin. (12:56)1013.4 hPa
Sol og Måne / Sun and Moon
TimezoneEurope/BerlinLunarphase from 0% New moon to 100% Full moon99.2 %
Length of day (Hours:Minutes)07:09Evapotranspiration-- mm